Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn

As summer is coming to a close and the joys of Autumn are approaching us, I have decided to look back on the events of the last few months. Although there were days I was bored, I have to say I have made a good few memories this summer that I will remember for years to come. The highlights of my summer include....
ice cream

A Summer Holiday

A family (and friend) holiday is important to experience each year. Giving you new memories and giving the entire group a chance to have fun together. Although we only ventured as far as Devon this year, we still managed to have lots of fun by the sea, and exploring the picturesque landscape.


At some point during the summer, an escape to the seaside is a must. For me, one of the most relaxing sounds is the waves crashing against each other. Just sitting by the sea definitely calms me down and makes the holiday more enjoyable. We only visited the beach a few times but I still managed to get my fix until next time. 



One of my favourite places to go. I love animals, so seeing rather exotic animals in real life, rather than on tv makes a nice change. A day out for all the family to enjoy and because it was a really beautiful, sunny day it made it even better.


Sadly for the first few days of our holiday, the weather let us down (typical england) so we decided to venture into the depths of the ocean. I love aquariums and what better thing to do on a miserable summer day. It was a really enjoyable afternoon and one thing I always will be up for.



Go-Karting was one of the many things on my list of stuff to do. It was super fun, although at the beginning I found out I am not the most gifted of go-kart drivers and got off to a bit of a bumpy start, eventually I did get the hang of it. I definitely would do it again and it was one of my favourite activities that we did.


My new favourite thing! There wasn't a moment on the Segway's that I didn't enjoy, and I was actually shocked as to how easy it was. I was worried I would fall off at first but once I got the shakiness out of the way it was enjoyable. We went on an hours course through the forest park and saw the views at the top of the hills. I had the best time ever!


A major summer event. An end to the season, right of passage you might say. With good music, good friends and good weather you can conquer the world. Although the weather was not in our favour for the most part, we still drew a close to the summer in style. It was my first time going to a festival and I have to say it lived up to my expectations. It wouldn't be a festival without getting soaked to your skin and being surrounded by mosh pits after all. I am looking forward to next year already and it was one of the highlights of my summer.

Fun with Friends

What better time to have fun with friends? When the suns out, there is nothing better than spending time with your closest pals. Whether it's going to the theatre, the cinema, having a meal, going on walks, shopping or going on an adventure, there is always something to do. One of my favourite summer time memories with a friend was going to the beach and taking cute pictures (view below).

end of summer

Chill Time

Summer is the main time to really get your chill on. After all the stress of the school (or work) year before, everyone needs a time to unwind by themselves or with loved ones. I did lots of relaxing this summer, well deserved after the stress of GCSE's. By watching netflix, youtube, the olympics, writing my blog and having days out, I feel relaxed and ready for the academic year ahead.

As the sun is setting on summer, you would expect me to be sad, but the thing is I LOVE AUTUMN. Autumn is my favourite season so actually I am rather looking forward to the next few months. So here's to a great last few months of the year.

Hope you all had a fun summer

Jade xoxo

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